Scootering classics: DNCC – Shame

Another classic unearthed, reassembled, and brought back to life. The current trend of revitalising old classics is pleasing and important to the scene, I hope many more gems like this continue to be found in the spotlight once more…

Although I have always been drawn towards the Lambretta brand when it comes to customisation, I must admit certain iconic Vespas have stood out and made an impact over the decades. One such machine that just seemed to work was the Eurthymics inspired T5 ‘Shame’. This iconic Vespa was originally owned by Rob Miller of the Throttle Happy SC, he had the original paint done by John Spurgeon, the 162 Pinasco engine built by MSC, and engraving by Don Blocksidge… there’s a list of legends for you! Over the years various parts (in varying condition) seemed to turn up on selling sites, and it always seemed such a shame (sorry – no pun intended) that such a beautiful lady was being dismembered and might not ever be seen again!

So imagine how happy I was when, while on a visit to my good friend and local engraving genius Adi Clar, I was told that the latest owner was planning a full rebuild. Both he and other customising professionals were in the process of helping Shame back to full health, and although a fresh repaint was required, it would be a modern take on the original theme. Now this must have been over a year ago, and so when I heard about its ‘unveiling’ at Bridlington T&C I thought it was time to contact the new owner/rebuilder and ask why, when and what-for?

Your name/nickname: Warren Hodgkinson – Wozza

Hometown: Sheffield.

Scooter club: Solo.

Scooter name: Shame.

Originally built: 1989.

Original paint: John Spurgeon.

Original chrome: Pete Robinson.

Original engraving: Don Blocksidge.

Original engine: MSC built Pinasco 162, MSC reed valve, PM exhaust, boost bottle (very 80s!) and 30mm Delly.

New fabrication: Slightly extended forks, an engraved floorplate.

When did you become the new owner: June 2015.

What condition was it in: Structurally sound but needed a full rebuild, repaint and engine wasn’t running properly. All of the chrome needed redoing including the engraved parts.

What have you done since owning: Complete rebuild! I originally wanted to do a Depeche Mode themed scooter but as ‘Shame’ is such an iconic machine and a lot of scooterists wanted me to keep it on the scene I decided against it. Engine is now a standard T5 lump, chrome has all been redone by Quality Chrome, engraving redone by ACE, repainted and airbrushed by Stuart Easton.

Why did you want to rebuild a custom classic: Wanted to keep ‘Shame’ on the scooter scene but do it my own way and bring it up to date.

Do you still do rallies: Yes when I can, I attended IOW & Bridlington last year.

Favourite event/rally: Always enjoyed Brid T&C, 2016 was extra special as Shame got Best Vespa!

Favourite dealer: Beedspeed.

Anything you like to add: Thanks to original builder Rob Miller, and to everybody who helped this time around.

Words & photographs: Dave O

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