#358 – April 2016


03 From the desk of the deputy editor
Never say die…

06 Kickstart
The latest product news, reviews, and rumblings from the scooter scene.

14 Nostalgic Custom Corner
Scootering’s long-time lover Dave O takes a look at another iconic machine.

18 Wicksteed
The BIG £100 bargain hunt, roll up, roll up, four for a pound! Will our intrepid duo find scooter part nirvana?

38 Reader competition
Vote for the magazine you want to see reprinted. It’s all about you, baby!

42 Show us your scooters
Pictures of scooters sent to us by you… it’s what we live for!

47 Mailbox
Your thoughts and views. We stare eagerly at the letterbox every day, awaiting your latest correspondence.

51 Trade Spotlight
This month we take a look into the workshops of scooter tuner Darrell Taylor.

57 Review
Open face helmets, everything you need to know.

61 70 Years of Vespa
We pay tribute to the anniversary of Vespa’s birth. Plus extras including the VCB and Norrie Kerr.

83 Club Do’s & Events
Your essential guide to the scene’s what, where and when!

105 Never break down again
Pre-season checks everyone should know how to do.

113 Dopo il Caffe!
He left Lamborghini to become a travelling photographer – now our man meets Australia’s best scooter mechanic.

119 Avoid grenading your engine
Darrell Taylor surveys the ins and outs of compression and offers his top tips.

129 BSSO 2016
The teams, the scooters, the riders and the sponsors – they’re all here in this season preview.

133 Scooter Trader
Your sales and classifieds section – including Specialist Services and At a Glance.

145 Way Back When
Our look at you and your vintage scooter pics.

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